waking up at 4:30, getting to the airport at 5am for a 6am flight (which, IMO is too early to show up but kate's parents were taking me to the airport and i wasn't going to nitpick on the time) and then going straight to work until 10pm is NOT A GOOD IDEA.
i could not even function and was delirious by the time i left. i tried to call kate but literally could not communicate like a human being.
when i got home the drug dealer opened the door for me (he used to hang out in the basement/courtyard which opens onto the sidewalk but now it's cold so he stays in the foyer of my building) and instead of giving him a dirty look like usual, i said, "thank you." i spent the walk up to the 5th floor shaking my head at myself for thanking the drug dealer that i HATE for letting me into my own home.
sidenote: speaking of the drug dealers, they make a mess in the lobby, are loud and just make the building feel unsafe even though i think they're only selling pot which, to me at least, is pretty harmless. if i thought there'd be crack addicts pounding down our front door, it would be another issue. they only catcall me occasionally, the regulars know to leave me the hell alone but i'd prefer not to have people selling drugs in my building. i've considered calling the police but am afraid they'd know it was me, break into my apt for retaliation, and steal all my beautiful clothes. what would you do?
when i woke up this morning i couldn't move my body. i tried to lift an am...nothing. tried to turn over...nada. so i lay there for another hour. had a voice mail from emily which consisted of nothing but her shrieking like a banshee. no words. and then the message ended. and for whatever reason, i've been laughing at it all morning. she is CRAZY.
also worth noting about my trip: a successful trip to nordstrom rack. a beautiful cropped little jacket with belled sleeves from laundry and a perfect button down puffed-short-sleeved black shirt from trina turk. all for less than $150. whee!