Friday, September 24, 2010

tater tots, socialites, san diego

was with a new friend of mine, sarah. i think i'm in love. we were wandering through the west village and while we were on our way to cabrito for guac i thought of daddy-o's. "hey, do you like tater tots? they're the best there." then she says, "can we pick up tater tots so that we can dip them in the guacamole?" um, YES, obviously, that is the only right answer here. she also makes a quick pope/pedophile joke which is something appreciate. she also said she'd sleep with a guy she wasn't attracted to but only if he were covered in cotija cheese. these are all the best ideas ever. i think she and i should get married. 

i've started bringing out my scarves and lightweight sweaters. this is really sad because 10 of my favorite dresses went unworn all summer. there's just no excuse for that. the gorgeous teal halter DVF floor length dress, the black jumper, my tophop mini. it's sad. i just did a load of laundry made up entirely of summer dresses that i won't wear again for like 9 months. again, SAD. but, silver linings! i really adore my fall wardrobe. i love leggings and boots and sweaters and scarves. i love wearing leggings as pants! there, i said it. they aren't the most attractive thing but they're so comfy. that's what fall is. fall is comfy. bring it. 

The tides are turning... if this site is not in your reader, we can't be friends. it's slowly becoming one of my favorite things on the interwebs.

a bit on turkey that i wrote for huffpo: read, retweet and like that shit!

i saw a girl wearing brown uggs, with white linen pants, through which you could see red underwear. there is so much wrong about that, i don't know where to start. i've thought about it so many times since then that i think i might be mentally scarred. what is wrong with people?!

something i wrote for esquire.

um, i maybe won this! (okay, i totally won this! horray!)

have been amazingly busy lately. helped my good friend sarah (a different one from the one mentioned above) cater a book party for nick bilton. david carr was there and called us beautiful fairies. the infamous (in some circles) julia allison was there, being just as insipid as you'd imagine her to be. foursquare founder dennis crowley was in attendance. i ran into an old acquaintance who maybe runs a website that i enjoy that i may start writing for any second? 

somebody called me a socialite today. the whole idea of that kind of boggles my mind because i think of socialites as being from new york and rich. i think he said it because i'm currently living off savings (read: not working) but if he knew what kind of background i have, moving from crappy apt to crappy apt my whole childhood, being the first person in my family to attend college, much less grad school. i've never been misread so badly...

the cuban drummer boy is in town and at the blue note all weekend. go see him if you live in nyc. he's playing with arturo sandoval, who is pretty amazing. 

colin has an all-expenses paid work trip to the san diego film festival and i'm totally crashing that. who turns down a free trip on someone else's dime? answer: NOT ME. i'm not fool. any dining suggestions for while i'm there?

Friday, September 10, 2010


I am obsessed with this...Jeffrey Steingarten: I never get to the Greenmarket in the morning. I think that it's bigoted of farmers to get up so early. I don't think it's necessary; I know farmers in Europe who don't start until 9 a.m. with their market stores. There's no reason for the earliness, it's just machoness. So you get to the Greenmarket, and if you haven't ordered ahead of time, people are sold out? That's wrong! I happen not to be a morning person, but I deserve to eat as much as a morning person deserves to eat. When you prick us, do we not bleed? Seriously.

And this

fascinating interview on garbage. really, read it. 

i'm doing some stuff at huffpo now. please retweet and like this or whatever. 

notes on the filibuster from always sensible rick hertzberg and ezra klein.

have something going up on this week. will post when it drops...

Thursday, September 02, 2010

birthday, blue hill, governors island, new yorker

so, i had a birthday. i turned 30. i'm all kinds of whatever about it. in fact, i've been telling people i'm 30 for months now thinking that saying 29 seems a wee bit clingy to my 20's, which i'm certainly not! me and 20 of my nearest and dearest all took a train out to tarrytown (a train i almost missed because the subways were so completely fucked) and were all treated like royalty at blue hill at stone barns. a private lobby overlooking the gardens where they brought us bellinis and whatever other drinks we wanted and then all these yummy passed canapes. sesame seed crusted baby zucchini, tomato burgers, tomato foam things on tart shells that sound crazy but were INSANELY GOOD, and high class tater tots with pickle slices, polenta tarts, a few more tomato things ('tis the season). we sat down to a gorgeous tomato salad with ricotta and peaches. moved onto pork something (this is where the afternoon starts to get hazy because i'm drinking too much). david gave a lovely speech about how delightful i am. i cried (again, probably, with the alcohol). i gave a rambling speech about being so lucky and grateful for such awesome people in my life. and also that i was thankful for pork. dessert was some gorgeous cake with berries. we moved to the bar and drank some more. blaise maybe stole a tomato off a table. and an egg, which was presented to me as a present, which i presently dropped on the train platform. (grrr, alcohol.) oh, and then, THEN we thought it was a great idea to go to the frying pan and drink a lot of beer. 

i know my friends had a good time because one spent all night throwing up, another forgot she'd had sex with her boyfriend that night (she apologized about passing out before sex and he was all, "what do you mean? we had sex" HA). 

saturday was the jazz age lawn party at governors island. bill cunningham took a bunch of photos of us but i'd DIE, just absolutely be DEAD if any of them ran in the nytimes. we are here taking a candid shot! 

i wrote something for esquire. seriously, try that bloody mary. it's off the hook. 

colin has a work weekend in san diego that i was going to hitch a ride on and the new yorker festival is the same weekend! the agony! sit and listen to lectures by fascinating people that i'm obsessed with or just drink and be stupid in the sun on someone else's expense account? god, that doesn't sound the way i'd wanted it to. i think anyone who reads this knows how obsessed i am with the new yorker and the festival, even if it doesn't sound particularly fun. at any rate, i'm torn. truly, honestly, torn.

and i'm maybe going to try being a sales girl for my friend who just started a new company. being a sales girl means getting an ipad and i kind of love it. i hate that i love it because i may not do sales forever and then i'm going to have to give it up, which means i'll have to buy my own if i want to read the times and vanity fair on a full screen from bed in the morning. LIFE IS SO HARD.

i want to be ruth reichl. it's that simple