first, i'd like to give a huge shout out to
wags for putting that
elusive will and grace episode on DVD and sending it out to me. how's that for a symbiotic blogging event. i write stuff he enjoys, he sends me happiness. thank you!
if you are familiar with my
100 things list (and if you aren't, you should be ashamed of yourself) you know that i hate valentine's day. HATE. i'm not a fair-weather hater, hating when it's convenient for me. i consistently can't stand the day.
an e-mail from a friend:
"First of all, every girl loves Valentines Day. It's your second biggest holiday. The first being New Years. If you "refuse" to recognize it and work boyfriend plays along, he'll be gone within 2 weeks. Just embrace the hallmark holiday as if the Pilgrims started it."
so why do i hate valentine's day? my response:
"i'm deathly serious about that valentines day thing. i waited tables on a valentines day like 6 years ago and it was, hands down, one of the worst nights of my life. i'll never forget it. all the stupid fucks who never leave their trailers any other time of year, all decide to take the honey out on valentines day. all the restaurants put together some shit surf'n'turf prix fixe meal where you get raped with the prices. and i seriously didn't get a tip bigger than 6% all night. WORST. NIGHT. OF. MY. LIFE."
i stay in. i order pizza. i call it an evening.
when work boyfriend found out i hated the holiday he flat out said, "i think i love you. you don't even want to know how much i've spent on past girlfriends on that day." so i'd say i'm saving him money, but then again, we go out to dinner at nice restaurants all the time and the guy spent almost $400 on me on shoes.
work boyfriend has it all planned out. we're ordering pizza on the train and we'll pick it up on the way home. we've recently made a target run to stock his house up on all my favorite toiletries. i didn't even have a toothbrush at my ex-of-five-years' place. it makes this all seem quite serious in a way that sometimes makes me really happy and other times just freaks me out. i mean, it takes me at least four months to make it through a bottle of shampoo. oh, and i should probably mention we have plans to go meet his parents in d.c. in april. like, the hotel has been booked. am i scared? a little. BUT his parents just got a puppy and are bringing it with. i keep telling myself it's all for the dogs. and with me, it's usually true i can't resist a puppy. this time i also can't resist the guy. please spare me the collective "awwww." i'm making myself sick with all this blather. i think this blog needs more midget porn, don't you? ah yes, feeling better already...
on an unrelated note...i've never cared for the olympics. this year, for some reason, i'm totally addicted. ice jumping? can't get enough. downhill skiing? yeah bode! speed skating? i heart apolo anton ono! snowboarding? those shaggy american boys are so cute! and for some reason i keep getting goosebumps when the national anthem plays. i seriously have no country pride since we elected bush to office. what the hell is wrong with me?