no HNT today people. too tired and way too busy to bother this week.
have been volunteering a bit. and by a bit, i mean nearly every waking hour of the day. it's nice to be doing something i actually enjoy for once. i'm also meeting a ton of awesome new people...including some boys. i've had my eye on a josh groban-ish looking guy at the office but he's jewish and i'm not converting and i doubt he'll waste his time on me. then there's ken. which is appropriate because he actually looks like a ken doll. dark hair, square jaw, nice broad shoulders and the best part...he's a nyc police officer! he wears a gun around and it's hot. seriously. he also loves jazz, the good old stuff too. and he's asked for my number BUT also wanted my e-mail address,
which does not bode well. not at all. so lets all pray ken doll gets some balls and calls before i get a message from him in my inbox, yes?
speaking of men, i called hot single friend. got his voicemail. apologized for taking so long to get back to him (i wasn't just trying to play hard to get, i've really been busy as all hell) and said i wanted to see if he was available to get a drink sometime in the next couple of weeks. breezy enough, i think. will let you know if i hear from him.
now that i'm in the dating game again, have decided to set some ground rules for myself: 1.) no more dealing with men who don't know what they want. 2.) no more dealing with another man's baggage and personal problems. 3.) have more confidence in myself so that calling boys won't be so freaking scary. 4.) give more chances to men instead of ruling them out right away. 5.) try not to be too jaded from the hellish relationship i just extracted myself from. 6.) sit back and enjoy the ride.
the project at the sleek soho office ended completely early (so the parties-not-to-be-named are probably thinking of settling or something), but this has resulted in flooding the market with a shit load of temp workers sans jobs. so i filed for unemployment for the first time (i'm not sure i'm allowed to do that as a temp but it was worth a shot) and then was lucky enough to get another project the next week so i'm starting yet another job tomorrow! blah. same old shit. so i'm networking my ass off at the moment to get hooked up with something more permanent and at least a little more satisfying. wish me luck.
i'm meeting barack obama on monday!!! he's one of my heroes and i can't wait. i have a friend going to a small fundraising event with him and he's taking me with. i'll be completely out of place with all the hedge fund people but i don't care. you think i can bring my copy of his autobiography to autograph without looking like a complete loser? i'm so nervous!!!!