welcome to mexico!! we drove a few hours down from my mother's house outside of l.a. to the baja peninsula and stayed just between rosarito and ensenada. a lot of crazy artists move down there and live in mobile homes on the beach. the artist who built the house above modeled the house on a girlfriend with whom he broke up before finishing his house-size ode to her. and so here it sits, empty and unfinished. weird.

here are a bunch of old-fashioned ringer washers that another artist painted to look like cows and put horns on. aren't they cute?

in downtown rosarito we found un poquito barrio where we stopped at a beautiful little restaurant and had some of the best food i'd had in a very long time. but mainly, i found it to be kinda dirty and way too touristy. the people selling their wares in puerto nuevo were not nearly as rude and aggressive as those in the downtown area. they offered up homemade tequila (don't try it) and were selling bowls (for the smoking of the marijuana) and offered free refills. "here ladies! let me show you something you don't need!" "people, come buy something, i'm hung over!" "we got some mexican rolexes here! mexican chanel!" it was funny, i'll give them that much.

and we spent some time on the beach although, as you can see, it was pretty overcast this day. but in all, it was some quality bonding time with my mom, brother and his girlfriend.
i also went to south carolina for several days with work boyfriend. we're still on shaky ground and there are so many ups and downs that i can barely be bothered to give my friends all the rundown, much less try to type it all out for y'all. i will say that we're past the point where he's in such a hole that everything is all his fault and i'm putting in some effort of my own to meet him halfway with things he needs and i hope he brings up his end. his parents live on
this golf course and are the loveliest people. however, it was hot as hell and 18 holes of golf (even if i was just riding around in the cart chasing down the beer cart half the time) was not the most pleasant thing ever. but the course is beautiful. and they have a boat on the lake and we spent an afternoon motoring though it catching some sun and swimming.
also...i got a new job! so i've been a little distracted with that. i'm making way more than i was at my last job, the hours are really flexible AND i get to wear jeans everyday. can i get a huzzah for casual attire? huzzah! however, everything about this firm is unbelievably swank. located in the terribly fashionable soho area of the city, i find myself looking up from my computer and feeling like i'm in one of those "law office sitcom/dramas" where everyone looks like models and nobody looks like they're miserable and pulling 100hr work weeks. a place like this shouldn't exist. but it does. and i work there. but i've never felt so goddamn unfashionable in my entire life. it makes me feel like i need to invest in a new wardrobe. not to mention it makes me feel like i can't wear jeans lest people look at me and ask, "who's the frumpy little new girl?"
curse you attractive and fashionable new co-workers! curse you!