a crush from the past...

for a couple summers during high school and college i often used to hang out with my friend shawny (one of those chicago friends who reads the blog) and all these guy friends of hers from a neighboring town, several of whom were in this band called the Plain White T's. i had such a huge crush on this guy dave. the band has lost and gained a few different band members over the years but they're starting to get biggish (or so my brother says, who listens to their music). when i was in his car listening to some mix he put together i was like, "is that tom higgenson singing?" so i looked these past friends up and found this picture of dave and am shocked at how cute he stayed. tom, on the other hand, looks pretty ridiculous with all that shaggy hair. i mean, he's kind of a funny looking guy to begin with...and that mop on his head looks a bit out of place. but maybe i'm just out of touch with the "look" in the indy music scene these days...
dave tirio, you're hot. call me, we'll do lunch. ciao dahling!
19 people who played with me:
Daves in general are the bees knees, aren't they? LOL
i can't wait till shaggy hair is out again.
Perhaps you prefer balding 23 year olds? If so, give me a call. We'll do lunch. Ciao
My problem with Dave is two fold...
1: Bad Beer, which really speaks to his character... Bad choices in beer equate to bad choices in life.
2: He's posing rather that having his picture taken... It's easy to "look" like a relaxed laid back kinda guy, much harder to be it. I think that deep down inside he is a troubled man battling some pretty serious personal issues. But the fact that he's in music should make that a given.
You know what I think you would be good at? Starting a blog dating company! Because, apparently nearly every single man who reads this Blog either makes comments about your breats or going on a date somewhere.
The picture is the key.
Great job, I'll catch up on what I've missed when I've got a job and some spare time.
nice arms...but he really needs a trim
Def hot. Def.
I have been busy drinking and just caught up on all your posts. Holy crap you have had a lot going on. Congrats on the new place, and I will inform you when I get in the city for good. (Hopefully next week)
eventhough he is sittig i can tell he's got a NICE ass!
-yer hopeless my friend-- you just like those pretty boys eh-
is that a ticate' he's drinking- good boy!
I think he's cute.
he's drinking tecate.
jazz - meeting up with ale on thurs night for dinner...you're welcome to join us!
he's cute, but he looks like soemthing out of dawsons creek which is bad bad bad
walking wounded is quite right, I have yet to meet a dave I don't like.
cute. I love indie rockers. that smile of his is so adorable. :-)
My sister had that exact same t-shirt. Jump rope for heart.
No shit!! Sorry for the outburst there but I live in Chicago and grew up in Lombard. The guys from the original plain white T's lived right around me and I'm pretty sure a couple went to my high school but they were older then me. I don't listen to 'em anymore but it always shocks me to hear someone who isn't from my hometown talking about them.
I just stumbled across your site and have to say that I understand where you are coming from.
Men...they are such teases sometimes.
Nice smile on ole Dave. I like the arms as well... oh, face it, he's a man, he's alive, what's not to like?
That's cool. I've heard of the band and Indy is a huge market now in the music industry. There are just so many good bands! I personally like bands like the Yeah Yeah Yeah's and Metric, whose singers were roomates in New York at one point as far as I've heard. I'm growing the mop look too, and sometimes my hair gets a little disorganized (it becomes an afro) but I suppose perhaps it's a retro-teenage urge to grow my hair long and free before I die. It's the rockstar instinct. Anyway, keep playing those sultry melodies.
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