Friday, December 09, 2005

"dear santa..."

because every girl's gotta dream and for those of you with extra money to spare and not enough christmas shopping to do, i'll do you the favor of giving you someone to buy for. moi. the one and only. will send address upon request.

jimmy choo syria slingback

a gazelle

this cashmere sweater

this shearling scarf

this bag

and this one

a rosemary plant

a maltishu

wustoff knives

this malandrino sweater

this corset

some ME tea

a scent by Chanel

now off with you! you have some shopping to do! go on...that's it...have fun!

13 people who played with me:

Blogger Jon said...

At least you don't want much

12/09/2005 12:05 AM  
Blogger Scribe Called Steff said...

Hilarious. What about this?

Classic list, though. Nice. :)

Hey, my guy's guide to oral sex might be running in a New York mag next month! Whee! I'll keep you informed. WhEE!

12/09/2005 1:59 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'll make you a deal sweetie. I'll supply that lovely corset if you model it for me! ;)


12/09/2005 4:06 AM  
Blogger Junie B said...

that bag is on MY list too!! go figure!! but i had to settle for a Coach wristlet for my REAL list...

12/09/2005 7:57 AM  
Blogger Admin said...

By making a list like this with links do you secretely hope that someone out there might atually buy something for you off it? I gotta say I luurrve choos, it just sucks being a man because people look at me funny when walkin down the street in them.

I so do agree with me, remove the dog from the list, neither are you Paris Hilton or Sharon Osbourne. We use the word chav for woman with dogs like that. It fits in with their whole burberry lifestyle. You know?

I wonder how many boys will click on the corset link in hope for gratuitous sexiness. Hmmmmm, I know I did.

Anyway, Christmas sucks - apart from the parties.

12/09/2005 8:03 AM  
Blogger Malkin said...

"this bag" is ugly. I'll buy you the second one though.

12/09/2005 10:53 AM  
Blogger piu piu said...

i love the tree, the bags, the scarf, the choos and of course the chanel. everything else can go.

jazz u spent a long time linking those gifts...lets hope someone takes the bait

12/09/2005 2:01 PM  
Blogger omar said...

$350 for a sweater? I'll knit you one for way less, and it will mean more, because it'll be hand made.

12/09/2005 2:03 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

Are you open to receiving other gifts? I'm thinking of something sweet, completely cool, non-embarrassing, and totally non-perverted. I know, I know... where's the fun in that?

Note that this is mostly a rhetorical question, as I'm currently far too broke to buy anything.

12/09/2005 4:25 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Sorry, but The Gazelle is a piece of junk. Get yourself a stationary bike and a set of weights and you'll be good to go.

12/09/2005 6:26 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Not that you need either. But I'm just saying. :)

12/10/2005 6:29 PM  
Blogger Byeong said...

That Malandrino sweater's lovely. Too bad I won't have much use of it here where there's just too much sun all year round. And the tea too, I want some of those.

12/10/2005 11:33 PM  
Blogger Larry said...

That is about the cutest, ugly dog I have seen yet.

12/12/2005 5:57 PM  

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