Monday, February 12, 2007

hair today, gone tomorrow...

so a friend sent me this website where all these spas were offering discounted services for the week.
for $59 you could get a variety of laser hair removal treatments. a girl i work with was getting her armpits done. and it was something i'd never imagined before. the thought of never having to shave my armpits ever again. it's the stuff dreams are made of!
so i start researching. apparently it takes about 6 sessions to rid the pits of hair. each session is around $200. eek! but, research showed that one treatment could reduce hair by 10 to 20%. for $59, that seemed like a fair bargain. and while i was at it i scheduled a bikini line treatment too.
bikini session was first. i'm used to brazilian waxes which hurt like hell. the woman stuck a bunch of ultrasound gel on me (very cold) and started lasering away. every half a second i felt this tiny pang, just like being shocked*, and i heard a little tick that reminded me of the sound a mosquito makes when it hits one of these. very strange. but it wasn't that bad.
then i went to the armpit lady. and i think it's because my armpit hairs were thicker (so the machine was turned up higher), and that's an area of the body i don't mess with all that often, but it hurt like a bitch! i have an extremely high tolerance for pain and i just about stopped her in the middle. six treatments of this does not a dream make. that's not to say that if there's another sale, that i wouldn't, maybe, do it again. who said i wasn't a glutton for punishment?
*but not like a static shock. like an electric shock. like the time i was 5 years old and VERY distinctly remember myself putting a key into a socket (it's so cliche, but it totally happened). the socket had been out of my reach, but as a resourceful little child, i found something to stand on. yes, i needed that key to go in that socket THAT badly. and i remember the sensation of my body flying around in a circle around the edges of the room. now, i'm not sure my body did move from that spot at all but it felt like the sharp turns of a roller coaster. and i was shaken up but i just sat there for a while. i was not going to tell my mom what happened because i'd get in trouble. in fact, i still don't think i ever told her. but i ended up okay. i think...

8 people who played with me:

Blogger Eve said...

Wait, so what's the website?

2/12/2007 4:25 PM  
Blogger Peter said...

If you could have somehow attached that key to your armpit...

2/12/2007 4:40 PM  
Blogger Syar said...

I too would seize the chance for hairless armpits. But that footnote changed my mine. Jeebus.

Are you going back?

2/12/2007 8:39 PM  
Blogger Nadia said...

One discounted laser treatment: $59

One regular-priced laser treatment (since you neglectfully left us out of the website loop): $200

Never having to debate internally whether to shave above the knee ever again: priceless

2/12/2007 10:04 PM  
Blogger The Stormin Mormon said...

Yeah, all I have to say is that if it weren't for the (I'm sure of it) sheer pain of the situation, I would get this treatment done on my face to never have to shave again.

2/12/2007 11:24 PM  
Blogger cadiz12 said...

priceless or not, i think i'll stick with the wax.

2/12/2007 11:24 PM  
Blogger Moody said...


This one was enjoyable.

2/13/2007 10:38 AM  
Blogger piu piu said...

apparently if u drop a couple of ibuprofen 20 odd minutes before u get a wax it really reduces the pain. havent tried it yet. not many places in the uk that do brazilians....

2/15/2007 12:19 PM  

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